Wired home security camera systems

Wired home security camera systems mean that all devices are connected together by cables and form a closed electrical circuit. Video cameras and alarm sensors are connected to the wired control panel.

A clear disadvantage of wired CCTV cameras is the need for cable infrastructure.

This is a rather expensive type of work when installing a video surveillance system, which is a significant part of the estimated costs.

Nevertheless, wired equipment has been and will continue to be in stable demand among customers and video surveillance installers, and there are good reasons for this:

  • Its relatively low cost
  • Stable operation regardless of the surrounding electromagnetic environment (with some caveats)
  • The longer range of video transmission compared to wireless cameras
  • Ease of setup, operation and maintenance

Needless to say, radio channel systems require a power supply voltage for their components. Sometimes this moment can give a pretty big headache to the installer in finding the right solution. The wired version in this case is simple and reliable.

As regards video signal transmission, when using twisted pair technology, analog video surveillance cameras can be located more than one kilometer away from the video data recording (display) equipment.

The situation is slightly more complicated with network video cameras, which require additional switches to be installed every 100 meters.

But if we consider that the same WIFI video surveillance cameras are guaranteed to provide, as a rule, a shorter distance, then the comparison is clearly not in favor of the latter.

Earlier mentioned electromagnetic interference can seriously “clog” the radio channel. Cable lines are also affected by them, but there are many effective ways to ensure acceptable image quality with various hardware.

Moreover, a moderate change in the electromagnetic environment has no significant impact on the stability of a wired system. Naturally, we are not talking about a lightning discharge in the immediate vicinity of the hardware.

Wired Home Security Camera Systems IP and mini CCTV cameras

The use of wired mini cameras for CCTV is a classic variant of implementing such systems. Depending on the type of installation, different designs of cameras can be used:

  1. Cylindrical miniature cameras
  2. In a rectangular housing
  3. Enclosures (modular) devices

The wired connection of a hidden mini camera ensures stable data transmission and makes the camera virtually maintenance-free throughout its entire life.

Analog cameras are preferable for building such video surveillance systems. They are less critical of increasing operating temperatures, which is relevant, for example, when they are deafly encased in a wall.

Cylindrical and rectangular (cubic) mini-cameras are used for installation in building structures, including walls. As they are reliably protected from external influences, this method of installation is possible both indoors and outdoors. Enclosures video cameras are suitable for covert installation in various objects.

It is also worth noting such advantages of wired mini-cameras as their relatively low price and ease of connection and adjustment.

Wired Home Security Camera Systems IP camera

Wired IP video surveillance cameras on the market for modern security systems have to compete with wireless versions. On the one hand, these two groups of IP video cameras seem to occupy different niches. At the same time, there are cases where consumers choose wireless devices solely under “pressure” from marketers.

Wired CCTV cameras, all things being equal, are definitely preferable.

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